MLS provides high quality transcription services in English and more than 100 languages, including critical and low density languages. Through our extensive pool of experienced linguist-transcriptionists, MLS produces high volume accurate transcripts of technical content in virtually any format and within aggressive timetables.
Solutions for Business
Our team regularly transcribes interviews, medical reports and legal proceedings for government and corporate clients. MLS is also actively engaged in:
- the advertising, marketing and public relations fields
- transcribing and translating foreign language surveys
- focus group discussions
- other audio for market research and political advocacy initiatives
Solutions for Government
Highly skilled MLS linguist-transcriptionists support government customers’ objectives through the transcription and translation of audio materials in technical and non-technical fields across the globe. Professional linguists with complementary language and subject matter expertise are available to provide high volume mission-critical transcription, gisting and translation services to DoD and Federal Government customers across the globe.