Tag: Transcreation

Transcreation of Product Copy for the French Canadian Market: A Case Study

Today we’re going to talk about something really exciting: Office supplies. I’ve lost you. And I don’t blame you. Office supplies are not, on their own, very interesting. The market seems saturated with ballpoint pen options and sticky note systems, all virtually indistinguishable from each other at first glance. This is where a good creative … Continued

Transcreation for HR Materials: A Case Study

For global companies with multilingual staff members, corporate communications present unique linguistic challenges–particularly when translating materials related to workplace culture and personnel matters. The thorough, collaborative process of transcreation ensures consistency, clarity and proper cultural assimilation of corporate messaging. One of our recent projects demonstrates the efficiency and efficacy of our unique transcreation method when … Continued

Beyond Translation: How Transcreation Elevates Global Branding

Quick: Tell me everything that makes you unique, and why I should care. That’s a tall order in any context. Introduce a language or cultural barrier between the speaker and the listener, and the challenge increases exponentially. In the international business realm, all too often marketing teams spend months developing comprehensive brand campaigns to share … Continued